Wisconsin School Scorecard

Looking for a ‘One-Stop-Shop’ for information about Wisconsin’s Public Schools? Click Here to view trends in enrollment, proficiency, spending and much more.

Controversial Materials Policy

Most every school district has a policy directing staff how to handle controversial issues.

  • Click Here for ECASD Guidelines for Teaching About Controversial Issues.

Student Bullying and Sexual Harassment Policy

Most every school district has a policy defining bullying and sexual harassment along with a plan to handle an issue.

  • Click Here for the ECASD Student Bullying and Sexual Harassment Policy.

  • For the ECASD Student Bullying, Discrimination, and/or Harassment form Click Here.

Social Emotional Learning 101

Schools around the country are making concerted efforts to teach MANDATORY (no opt-out process) social emotional classes. Click here for more information.

  • Here’s a template for an email/letter that you can send your child’s school requesting to review these lessons Click Here.

Want to Give Input on Your Student’s School?

Join your student’s school Family Advisory Council or communicate with the school representatives.

  • Click here for more information on ECASD’s Family Advisory Council.